南非Natal博物馆招收博士后Postdoctoral Fellow : Pietermaritzburg, South
Postdoctoral Fellow : Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
Employer: Natal Museum
Website: http://www.nmsa.org.za
Location: 237 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
Type: Postdoctoral
Posted: February 15, 2012
Expires: February 22, 2012
Requisition number: NRF2
job description
Being traditionally a centre of Afrotropical dipterology, the Natal Museum is willing to accommodate a postdoctoral fellow, who will conduct research in Afrotropical Diptera taxonomy/systematics.
Applicants should: hold PhD in Diptera systematics; have received their doctoral degrees within a period not exceeding five years prior to application; preferably not have held an established teaching post in an institution of higher learning; not be full time employees of higher education institutions, museums or any other research institutions.
The fellowship will include scholarship to the value of ZAR 150,000 per year (non-taxable) and running expenses to a maximum value of ZAR 50,000 per year (which includes funds for international travel, if required). The fellowship will be for a period of one year with a possible extension of another year, based on satisfactory progress, mutual agreement with supervisors and availability of funds.
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