Two postdoctoral positions in Biological computation : Barcelona, Spain
Employer: Univesitat Pompeu Fabra
Website: http://www.upf.edu/cellsignaling/
Location: PRBB building, Dr. Aiguader 88, Barcelona, Spain
Type: Postdoctoral
Posted: February 15, 2012
Expires: March 15, 2012
job description
Synthetic biology is still far from producing flexible, programmable, scalable and predictable engineered constructs able to perform complex computations. The main problem has arisen from the fact that, in contrast to electronic designs where wires have identical nature, in a cell-based system each wire would correspond to a different molecular entity. In a joint effort between theoretical and experimental studies, we have established biological circuits with Distributed Computation capacity (Regot et al., Nature 2011), opening the possibility to develop a novel method of properly design general purpose, LEGO-like multicellular systems able to partially avoid wiring limitation. Here, we propose to explore the limits of Distributed Computation in synthetic cellular systems.
We offer two postdoctoral research positions in the Cell Signaling Research Group headed by Dr. Francesc Posas and Dr. Eulàlia de Nadal, at the Pompeu Fabra University. We are located at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB). This work will be carried out together with Dr. Ricard Solé’s group (UPF, http://complex.upf.es/). This project is funded by the European Research Council (ERC, 7th FP) and La Caixa.
For more information please visit the web sites below:
http://www.prbb.org; http://www.upf.edu/cellsignaling; http://complex.upf.es/
Regot S, et al. Nature (2011); Macia J, et al. Science Signal. (2009).
Candidate Requirements:
We seek for highly motivated and independent candidates with an excellent track record and a PhD in biology, biotechnology or biochemistry and strong experimental experience in yeast genetics and signal transduction pathways (DO NOT apply if not met).
She/he should be fluent in English and have an interactive personality.
Salary is competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Starting date: 2012 (as soon as possible or by agreement).
Application Procedure:
If you are interested please submit a recent CV, a description of past achievements and future career goals along with names and contact information of two references to Dr. Morillas: montserrat.morillas@upf.edu
Deadline: 15th March 2012.
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