Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University of Warwick - Mathematics
£27,428 - £35,788 pa
Fixed Term Contract for 12 months
You will research in Nonlinear Filtering in High Dimensions.
You will be based at the University of Warwick and will be part of the research activities in Data Assimilation and Inverse Problems led by Professor Andrew Stuart. This post is available from 1 October 2012, although there is some flexibility in the precise start date.
You will have experience of, and strong research potential in; Particle filtering, ensemble and extended Kalman filtering, Bayesian inverse problems, stochastic differential equations, data assimilation and sequential MCMC methods. The main duties of the position will be research.
You will receive support for computing resources and conference travel, and may have at most a light teaching load.
You will also be expected to interact with the research group of Professor Chris Jones (University of North Carolina) in which there may be the possibility of further postdoctoral work in this area, starting October 2013.
Informal enquiries: Professor Andrew Stuart at A.M.Stuart@warwick.ac.uk or MathsHR@warwick.ac.uk
Click here for further details of the post in Microsoft Word format.
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Click here for an application form.
An application form must be completed if you wish to be considered for this post.
Minicom users can call 024 7615 0554 if they require any further help.
Please quote job vacancy reference number 71598-121.
The closing date/time for applications is midnight (British time) at the end of Friday 09 March 2012.
For further details on how to apply for a post at Warwick, the employee benefits that we offer, information on Warwick people, what it is like working at Warwick, and more, please see our jobs introduction page.
The university values diversity.
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