- Employer: CSIR
- Website: http://www.csir.co.za
- Location: Meiring Naude Road, Brummeria, Pretoria, South Africa
- Type: Postdoctoral
- Posted: February 21, 2012
- Expires: February 29, 2012
- Requisition number: 300940
Science jobs from CSIR: job description
The CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) is a leading scientific and technology research organisation, implementing projects throughout Africa and making a difference in people’s lives. Post-doctoral fellowship available for the development of microsphere products for application in Life Sciences R&D.
About the job:
The molecular biomaterials research group has a vacancy for a Post-doctoral Fellow within the Emerging Health Technologies (EHT) Platform. This position provides the opportunity for the successful candidate to pursue the development of next generation microsphere technology towards magnetic microsphere products for use in life sciences research and development (R&D). The project involves development of magnetic microsphere research
reagent prototypes, with subsequent assessment and validation, leading to market-ready products. The candidate will gain valuable experience in taking laboratory research to market.
Qualifications, skills and experience:
· A doctorate in biochemistry, biotechnology or related discipline.
· Preference will be given to candidates who have extensive knowledge of protein chemistry.
· Practical experience and breadth of knowledge in general biochemical techniques.
· Practical experience in performing multi-disciplinary R&D is advantageous.
· The following competencies are critical for this position: innovation; sound technical knowledge; and integrity and lateral thinking ability.
· Excellent communication (written and verbal) and interpersonal skills are a necessity.
· Display an appreciation for a cross-disciplinary project team environment.
· Capability to contribute across the boundaries imposed by classical scientific disciplines.
· Self-motivated and enthusiastic about the topic area.
· Desire to contribute to the overall aims of the research group through his/her knowledge.
Should you meet the above requirements and wish to contribute to the success of this research and the organisation, please submit your CV, motivation letter, doctoral synopsis (1 page) and academic record. Please contact Dr Justin Jordaan via e-mail, should you require
further details on the position (jjordaan@csir.co.za).
Should you meet the above requirements, please go to the URL indicated below in order to
apply; select the position reference number 300940; complete the application form and
attach your CV: www.csir.co.za/apply.php
Closing date: 29 February 2012
Should you experience any problems in submitting your application, please contact the CSIR Recruitment Centre
at Recruitmentqueries@csir.co.za. Please do not submit your application to this mailbox.
The CSIR gives preference to candidates who meet the job requirements and who will add to the cultural and gender diversity of the organisation. By applying for this position at the CSIR, the applicant understands, consents and agrees that the CSIR may solicit a credit
and criminal report from a registered credit bureau and/or SAPS (in relation to positions that require trust and honesty and/or entail the handling of cash or finances) and may also verify the applicant’s educational qualifications and employment history. The CSIR reserves
the right not to appoint if a suitable candidate is not identified.
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