Postdoctoral Fellow : Turku, Finland
Employer: Turku Centre for Biotechnology, University of Turku
Website: http://www.btk.fi/home/main/
Location: Turku, Finland
Type: Postdoctoral
Posted: February 27, 2012
Expires: April 06, 2012
Requisition number: Postdoctoral Fellow/T cells
job description
Postdoctoral fellow Position
at the Centre for Biotechnology (the Centre), BioCity Turku, Turku, Finland to study molecular mechanisms of human lymphocyte activation and differentiation.
We are seeking a scientist to join our international research group to work on human lymphocyte biology. Our group leads the molecular systems immunology efforts in the new Academy of Finland Center of Excellence program awarded for 2012-2017. The position is initially for 3 years (with an option for an extension).
Successful applicants are science driven, enthusiastic and self-initiative. Applicants are expected to have a relevant degree in life sciences. The applicants should have previous experience in molecular and cellular biology and protein chemistry. Experience in T cell biology, RNA biology, alternative splicing, epigenomics and analysis of RNA sequencing and ChIP sequencing is an advantage.
The Turku Centre for Biotechnology (www.btk.fi), a joint institute of the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University, is a vibrant research Centre with state-of-the-art core facilities.
Please send your application, CV and contact information for three references to Anne Lahdenperä (anne.lahdenpera@btk.fi).
The deadline for applications is April 6 2012.
For further information please contact Prof. Riitta Lahesmaa, e-mail: riitta.lahesmaa@btk.fi For more information about our research see http://www.btk.fi/research/research-groups/lahesmaa/ and the Centre: www.btk.fi
Recent publications by the group:
Elo LL et al. Immunity, 2010, 32:852.
O’Shea JJ et al. Nat Rev Immunol, 2011, 11:239.
Närvä E et al. Nat Biotechnol, 2010, 28:371.
Hussein S et al. Nature, 2011, 471:58.
Ahlfors H et al. Blood, 2010, 116:1443.
Moulder R et al. Mol Cell Proteomics, 2010, 9:1937.
Tahvanainen J et al. Blood, 2009, 113:1268.
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