2012-03-12 18:01 来源: 未知 作者: admin
Job Title: | Postdoctoral Fellowship in Epigenetics | |
Job Number: | 4010763 | |
Date Posted: | 03/07/2012 | |
Job Description
The Radiation Oncology Research Laboratory at the University of Maryland School of Medicine is currently recruiting a postdoctoral fellow for one open position. Studies will evaluate radiation quality effects on the epigenetic effects of irradiation using in vitro cell culture models and mice. This project will utilize techniques to evaluate DNA methylation, miRNA expression and gene expression. Basic molecular biology techniques such as pyrosequencing and RT-PCR will be heavily utilized, as well as cell culture and animal work. This project will require travel to the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory at Brookhaven National Laboratory to irradiate cells and conduct experiments one-three times per year. The candidate must be able to contribute to the writing of original scientific papers for publication in peer-reviewed journals, interact and collaborate with other personnel in the laboratory and in the department and supervise technicians or graduate students. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in molecular biology, biochemistry or a related field and less than 5 years of postdoctoral experience. Salary is commensurate with research experience. |
Contact: | Janet Baulch, Ph.D. Radiation Oncology University of Maryland School of Medicine 655 W Baltimore St BRB 7-007 Baltimore, MD 21201 United States Fax: (410) 706-6666 Email: radjobs ![]() |
Employer's Web Site: | Visit employer's website |
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