2012-03-12 18:03 来源: 未知 作者: admin
Job Title: | Postdoctoral Research Scientist | |
Job Number: | 4010762 (Ref.#. PD-2012-1) | |
Date Posted: | 03/07/2012 | |
Application Deadline: | 3/26/2012 | |
Job Description
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences in Boothbay, Maine seeks a Postdoctoral Research Scientist to help carry out a project analyzing marine Fe-oxidizing bacterial communities living at hydrothermal vents. The position will be in Dr. David Emerson’s laboratory at Bigelow, and is a collaborative project aimed at understanding the structure of bacterial communities that form lithotrophic Fe-oxidizing microbial mats, fueled by iron-rich hydrothermal vent fluids associated with seamounts. The project will involve utilization of novel deep sea sampling devices, detailed morphological, mineralogical, and geochemical analysis of iron mats, as well as use of a variety of culture-independent, and dependent methods. The overarching goal is to develop a detailed understanding of ecological interactions between different populations of Fe-oxidizing bacteria, and to learn how they influence the greater microbial community. Techniques specific to this project will be the use of single cell genomics, tagged pyrosequencing, FISH, as well as culturing efforts, and continued refinement of in situ sampling techniques. This position is funded for two years with the possibility of funding for a third year. The most well-suited candidate will have experience in microbial ecology including cultivation independent methods, an interest in geomicrobiology and deep-sea oceanography, and a curiosity about the application of ecological principles to marine microbes. The individual must be able to participate in extended oceanographic cruises, and be able to lift at least 50 pounds. Bigelow is a nurturing, small scientific community with an active postdoctoral training program. Significant commitment to the mentoring of undergraduates will be expected. This project is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation. Applicants should send their CV, a letter of intent describing candidate's motivation, qualifications, skills, and experience relevant to this position, and contact information for three references to jobs@bigelow.org. Please reference Job #PD-2010-2 in the subject line. Specific questions about the position may be addressed to Dr. Emerson, demerson@bigelow.org. For full consideration, the application should be received by March 26, 2012. Bigelow Laboratory is an Equal Opportunity Employer. |
Contact: | Jane Gardner Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences 60 Bigelow Drive PO Box 380 East Boothbay , ME 04544 United States Phone: 202-747-3255 Fax: 202-747-3257 Email: jobs ![]() |
Employer's Web Site: | Visit employer's website |
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