Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago
Job Title: Harold A. Richman Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Job Number: 4010779 (Ref.#. 089308)
Date Posted: 03/09/2012
Application Deadline: 5/15/2012
Job Description
Chapin Hall seeks candidates for the Harold A. Richman postdoctoral researcher aimed at strengthening the intellectual and research qualifications of outstanding scholars interested in applied research careers focusing on child, youth, and family well-being. This opportunity will provide new scholars with advanced research training through participation on Chapin Hall research projects; time and resources to explore and develop independent research ideas; and mentoring by nationally recognized researchers in the field, at Chapin Hall and the University of Chicago. The selected individual(s) will have the opportunity to be involved with research design, development of data collection instruments and their implementation, data analyses and write-up of study results.
This is an in-residence, two-year term program. Interested candidates should submit their application materials by May 15, 2012. Notice will be given to the successful applicant in June-July 2012. The Researcher must be able to begin the position between September 1, 2012 and January 1, 2013.
The Researcher will receive $52,000 per calendar year and an opportunity to participate in the University of Chicago’s benefit program. Moving expenses are the responsibility of the individual. The individual may not hold any other paying positions or appointments during the period they are participating in the Chapin Hall Postdoctoral Researcher program.
Chapin Hall is an independent policy research center whose mission is to build knowledge that improves policies and programs for children and youth, families, and their communities. For more information about Chapin Hall, please see our website at www.chapinhall.org.
Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer that values and actively seeks diversity in the workforce.
PhD in public policy, social work, economics, human development, education policy, statistics, epidemiology or related discipline received between January 1, 2008 and August 31, 2012 (individuals who have successfully defended their dissertation in 8/31/2012 but have not received their formal degree are eligible) required.
A minimum of three years of research experience (dissertation-related research is acceptable) required.
Strong evidence of the potential for success in publishing and obtaining research grants required.
Experience conducting empirical research in the context of child, youth, or family policy strongly preferred.
A cover letter briefly summarizing your main research interest and its expected relationship to
policies or programs that impact children, youth, and families (should not exceed 300 words).
Candidates are also encouraged to indicate the research fellows that they would see themselves
working with.
A Curriculum Vitae (not to exceed 6 pages) including the names and contact information for two
A 5-6 page (1.5 line spacing, 1.25 margins, references included) personal statement outlining:
a) Completed research (including dissertation),
b) Work in progress,
c) Research you would like to conduct while at Chapin Hall and expected impact of the research on policies and programs,
d) Research plans and goals beyond the program.
e) A scholarly writing sample (not to exceed 30 pages)
f) A letter of reference from your academic mentor (should be addressed to the Selection Committee and be sent by the mentor directly to sbendier@chapinhall.org).
Please note, the references provided by applicants who are selected for an interview may be asked to submit a written recommendation.
If you are interested in applying, please apply on-line at: https://jobopportunities.uchicago.edu and search for requisition number 089308. Applications are accepted on-line only.
For more information on this position please contact Sylvie Bendier at sbendier@chapinhall.org
Job seekers in need of a reasonable accommodation to complete the application process should contact the University of Chicago Staffing and Recruitment office by calling 773-702-8900 or by emailing employment@uchicago.edu with their request.
Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer that values and actively seeks diversity in its workforce.
Contact: Abbie Castiglione
Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago
1313 E. 60th Street
Chicago, IL 60637
United States
Phone: 773-256-5133
Email: acastiglionechapinhall.org
Employer's Web Site: Visit employer's website
Online Application: Apply for this job from Employer's website
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