Employer: Inserm
Location: U748, 3 rue Koeberle, F-67000, Strasbourg, France
Type: PhD Studentship
Posted: April 24, 2012
Expires: June 24, 2012
Requisition number: None
Postdoctoral Position
PhD Student Position
Inserm Virology Unit, Laboratory of Excellence HEPSYS, University of Strasbourg, France
A postdoctoral position and a PhD student position are open in the Inserm Virology Unit U748 and the Laboratory of Excellence HEPSYS (Head and Director: Prof. Thomas F. Baumert) at the Institute of Virology, University of Strasbourg, France. The unit and laboratory is located in an excellent infrastructure of the Institute of Virology on the campus of the University of Strasbourg in an outstanding scientific environment. A state of-the-art BSL3 laboratory, advanced imaging and flow cytometry platforms are on site.
The unit program is focused on the study of the molecular mechanisms of virus-host interactions and the development of novel antivirals and vaccines (see Lupberger, Zeisel et al. Nature Medicine 2011, Fafi-Kremer et al. J. Exp. Med. 2010, Fofana et al. Gastroenterology 2010, Lambotin et al. J. Virol. 2010, Lambotin et al. Nature Rev. Microbiol. 2010, Benga et al. Hepatology 2010; Dimitrova et al. PNAS 2008, Barth et al J. Virol 2008; Pestka et al. PNAS 2007).
The successful candidates will have strong background in molecular biology, virology, immunology or cancer research. We are looking for one applicant to investigate the molecular mechanisms of viral entry and immune evasion and one applicant for the study of the molecular mechanisms of virus-induced cancer. The successful candidates will join a well-funded international and young research team in an outstanding scientific environment (Laboratory of excellence HEPSYS, University of Strasbourg) including established partnerships with the pharmaceutical industry. Medical doctors with a strong interest in a career in translational research are also encouraged to apply. While knowledge of the French language is not required, English proficiency is mandatory and strong communication and organization skills are expected.
Successful candidates will have the opportunity to enter the Inserm and University of Strasbourg tenure track programs.
Please send your CV (including experience, publications and academic references) and a brief statement of research interests to:
Prof. Thomas Baumert and Dr. Mirjam Zeisel, Inserm U748, 3 rue Koeberlé, F-67000 Strasbourg, France. E-mail: thomas.baumert@unistra.fr and mirjam.zeisel@unistra.fr
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