Research Assistant
Colour in the 1920s:Cinema and its Intermedial Contexts research project
University of Bristol - Department of Drama: Theatre, Film, Television
Reference: 17145
Contract: Fixed Term Contract (three years)
Salary: £30,122 - £33,884 Level a in Pathway 2
Closing date for applications: 9:00am 06 Jun 2012
Anticipated interview date: 22 Jun 2012
Anticipated start date: 01 Oct 2012
Applications are invited for a three-year Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in the Department of Drama: Theatre, Film, Television, as part of the three-year Leverhulme Trust-funded research project 'Colour in the 1920s: Cinema and its Intermedial Contexts', directed by Professor Sarah Street, with Dr Joshua Yumibe as Co-Applicant.
You will work full-time on the project which is international, comparative and intermedial in focus, carrying out research in libraries and film archives and organising project events. This post represents an excellent opportunity for someone early in their academic career to be an important part of a high-profile project and to gain experience of conducting advanced archival research. Duration of appointment 1 October 2012 - 30 September 2015.
When applying, please also submit a brief description of your current research interests, and suitability for researching colour and colour cinema as outlined in the research project details provided in the further particulars. Note that there is a second, two-year post-doctoral position for this project, based at the University of St Andrews (www.vacancies.st-andrews.ac.uk) Applicants applying for the Bristol post can also apply for the St Andrews position (note that the latter requires language abilities); note also that you need to make separate applications.
If successful, you may be appointed either on a fixed-term or an open-ended contract depending on the extent of your previous relevant research experience. Three years' appropriate and relevant experience at another higher education institution would normally lead to an appointment on an open-ended contract. Further information can be found at www.bristol.ac.uk/hr/ftc/.
Contact for informal enquiries: Prof S Street (sarah.street@bristol.ac.uk | 0117 331 5090)
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