18 to 36 months postdoc position in France: Reliability of emerging systems based on graphen electronics.
LOCATION: IMS, Univ. Bordeaux 1, France.
DATE: start: betwin september and december 2012
NET SALARY: 25.000 € / year free of taxes
CONTEXT: 3-year project targeting the experimental demonstration of the reliability of emerging systems based on graphen electronics. During the last quarter of 2012, IMS Lab will start a new scientific activity in the frame of the FP7 (STREP) GRADE project on the Graphene-based Devices and Circuits for RF Applications. During three years, IMS Lab will cooperate with a major semiconductor company Infineon Technologies, on advanced RTD activities necessary to demonstrate the proof-of-concept of novel graphene-based electronic devices operating at terahertz (THz) frequencies. IMS Lab will be particularly involved in compact modeling and circuit design. To prepare Graphene-based electronics transition to semiconductor manufacturing, IMS proposes to push ahead its contribution thanks to IDEX-Bordeaux funds: Settle, develop and implement the first methodology to assess the Graphene electronics reliability.
Mission: The candidate will settle the first methodology to analyze the failure mechanisms of graphen transistors through accelerating aging tests and physics-based 2D simulation. Then, he/she has to implement the aging laws into the compact models of graphen transistors. The compact model (SPICE-like) has already been developed by IMS. Then, from the collaboration with IMB-INRIA he/she has to focuse on the development of statistical and probabilistic methods for the modeling and the optimization of complex graphen electronics systems.
The ideal candidate will have strong skills in device physics characterization, compact modeling and circuit design.
Contact: Prof. Cristell Maneux
Please send resume/CV to Cristell.maneux@ims-bordeaux.fr with reference: IMSIDEXBX2012ES001
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