Applications are invited for a postdoc position in mouse immunology in a research group led by Prof.
Rikard Holmdahl. The position will be placed at the Division of Medical Inflammation Research,
Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (see http://www.inflam.mbb.ki.se).
The position is financed jointly by Novo Nordisk and Karolinska Institutet.
You will be placed at Karolinska Institutet and have a collaboration with Claus Haase at Novo Nordisk, Copenhagen, Denmark.
The position is offered as part of the Novo Nordisk R&D STAR Programme *(Science, Talent, Attraction
and Recruitment). This programme supports the brightest postgraduates in biotechnology, life, medical
and engineering sciences, who want to pursue a career in pharmaceutical R&D. Read more about the
programme at http://www.novonordisk.com/careers/phds-and-postdocs/fellowships-scholarships.asp
The position is open for a highly motivated scientist with a background in immunology, knowledge of
inflammatory disease models and good hands on experience with cellular immunology and experimental
mouse technology.
The project focuses on investigating a new model for rheumatoid arthritis with the possibility to reveal new T cell mediated pathogenic mechanisms related to redox regulation.
Entry requirements
A person is eligible for a postdoc position if he or she has obtained a PhD no more than five years before
the last date of employment as postdoc.
The applicant must hold a doctor´s degree or a qualification deemed equivalent to a doctorate in the field
of medicine, biomedicine or biology.
Experience of research work in cellular immunology, flow cytometric analysis, histological methods,
genetic methodology and animal experimentation, is needed. The candidate must also have knowledge in
Fluency in English is a requirement.
The position is available for 2 years and has the possibility to be prolonged. Duties wish to be taken as
soon as possible.
Application process
An employment application must contain the following documents in English or Swedish:
1. A complete curriculum vitae, including date of the thesis defence, title of the thesis, previous
academic positions, academic title, current position, academic distinctions, and committee work
2. A complete list of publications
3. A summary of current work (no more than one page)
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