2012-08-21 11:37 来源: 未知 作者: admin
Job Title: | Assistant and Associate Faculty | |
Job Number: | 1106725 | |
Date Posted: | 08/14/2012 | |
Application Deadline: | Open Until Filled | |
Job Description
The Department of Health Behavior and Health Education at the University of Michigan School of Public Health is a national leader in public health research and training. The Department is currently engaged in building for the future in its core academic areas. These efforts include recruitment of three new faculty members, two at the assistant and one at the associate level. The successful candidates will have earned a doctoral degree in health behavior and health education, behavioral/social sciences or a related field and will give evidence of extensive experience and/or promise in conducting research and teaching at the graduate level. Such evidence will include success in securing support for research and use of innovative teaching and learning approaches. Priority will be afforded interventionists, that is, individuals able to develop, implement and evaluate health directed interventions at the individual, community, organizational or system level. Teaching: The candidate will have experience and be able to teach courses in at least one of the core areas of the Department’s curriculum. These include program planning and implementation, psychosocial factors in health behavior, educational materials and methods, community engagement, evaluation research, health communications, and health policy and system functioning related to social and behavioral change. Research: Two research areas are of particular importance in this recruitment as a result of growing interests at the University of Michigan. First is health promotion, disease prevention and management of chronic disease from the individual, family, community or health systems perspective. This interest could focus on a single disease such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma, epilepsy, cancer or on multiple morbidities. The second area is global health comprising a focus on particular health problems, populations, and geographic regions where the international public health burden is the greatest. This may include infectious disease prevention and control or chronic disease prevention and management. Candidates representing these research areas will receive particular attention. Application Process: Interested individuals are encouraged to submit a letter outlining qualifications, CV and names of three references to: HBHE Search Committee 2012 Department of Health Behavior & Health Education University of Michigan School of Public Health Email: hbhe.search2012@umich.edu Department website: www.sph.umich.edu/hbhe The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply and the University is supportive of the needs of dual career couples. |
Contact: | University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI United States Email: hbhe.search2012umich.edu |
Employer's Web Site: | Visit employer's website |
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