University of Oxford -Department of Chemistry
Grade 7: £29,249 - £35,938 p.a.
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Associate to work with Professor Harry L. Anderson on the synthesis, supramolecular chemistry and spectroscopy of porphyrin nanorings.
Applicants should either already have a PhD in Chemistry, or have submitted their thesis prior to taking up the post.
Applicants must have practical expertise in multi-step organic synthesis. Expertise in the following areas is also desirable: (a) noncovalent supramolecular physical-organic chemistry and measurement of association constants, (b) synthesis and characterisation of large synthetic molecules, with molecular weights greater than 2000 Da, (c) optical absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, (d) electrochemistry, (e) HPLC and GPC techniques, (f) EPR spectroscopy, (g) porphyrin chemistry.
The post will be based in the Chemical Research Laboratory, Mansfield Road, Oxford. The position is funded by the EPSRC and is fixed-term for 28 months. You will be required to upload a CV and supporting statement with your application.
Applications for this vacancy are to be made online. For further details, including the job description and selection criteria, please click on the link below.
The vacancy will close at midday on Monday 10 September 2012. Please quote reference 103887 on all correspondence.
It is anticipated that interviews will take place on Wednesday 26 September 2012.
The Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford is an Athena Swan bronze award holder. Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and ethnic minority candidates, who are under-represented in Chemistry research posts in Oxford.
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