Applications are invited for postdoctoral research to study the relationship between structure and function of specific molecular chaperones with emphasis in protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions. The goal is to build models to explain the mechanism by which molecular chaperones interact with unfolded substrates and transfer them to specified molecular machines. Our group seeks also to identify potential targets for therapeutic intervention.
Position 1: The successful candidate will have a relevant PhD in Biochemistry, Chemistry or correlated areas and will have a strong experience in mass spectrometry. Evidence of practical work experience in protein characterization would be an advantage.
Position 2: The successful candidate will have a relevant PhD in Biochemistry or correlated areas and will have a strong experience in using calorimetry (DSC and ITC) to investigate protein-protein and/or protein-ligand interactions. Evidence of practical work experience in molecular biophysics and structural biology would be an advantage.
Position 3: The successful candidate will have a relevant PhD in Biochemistry or correlated areas and will have experience in the techniques involved, including molecular biology, protein purification and protein-protein interaction. Evidence of practical work experience in molecular biophysics and structural biology would be an advantage.
Period: two to four years depending on performance. Local: positions 1 and 2: IQ/UNICAMP, Campinas SP; position 3: IQSC/USP, São Carlos SP.
Benefits: FAPESP fellowship (monthly stipend; expenditure on transport; aid installation; and research contingency funds). Main obligations: The candidate should have concluded a doctorate less than seven years before the beginning of the PD fellowship; The fellowship demands full time dedication to the research project; The fellowship holder may not hold any formal or informal employment nor receive, during the term of the fellowship. More information: http://www.fapesp.br/en/5427
Applications with letter of interest (mentioning the number of the position), CV and name of three references should be sent to Carlos Ramos at cramos@iqm.unicamp.br.
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