Position (for 3 years) in Quantitative proteomics for Type 1 Diabetes biomarkers
A position is available at the Turku Centre for Biotechnology as part of the Finland Distinguished Professor Program (http://www.fidipro.fi/) in the collaborative research project of Professor David Goodlett (of the University of Washington, Seattle and the Turku Centre for Biotechnology) and Professor Riitta Lahesmaa at the Turku Centre for Biotechnology, Turku Finland (www.btk.fi).
The research focuses on the application of mass spectrometry based proteomics in the analysis of clinical samples investigating predictive markers of type-1 diabetes. Using the latest generation of mass spectrometry technologies, together with recently described methodology that extends detectable dynamic range in complex proteomes, discovery and validation methods will be developed. The longitudinal study uses samples from the Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Prevention Project (DIPP) biobank.
We are looking for exceptionally motivated candidates at the postdoctoral or senior scientist level with a proven track record and solid knowledge and working experience with mass spectrometry technologies. Know-how in quantitative proteomics and informatics methods are needed. Experience in the analysis of complex datasets and modern computer language, e.g. python or R, will be an advantage.
The Turku Centre for Biotechnology (www.btk.fi), a joint institute of the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University, is a vibrant research Centre with state-of-the-art core facilities.
Please send your CV, list of publications, a brief statement of your research interests, contact information for three references to: Anne Lahdenperä, e-mail: anne.lahdenpera@btk.fi.
The position commences as soon as possible.
Applications will be considered until the position is filled.
For further information please contact Robert Moulder, e-mail: rmoulder@btk.fi (or David Goodlett, email: goodlett@uw.edu or Riitta Lahesmaa, e-mail: riitta.lahesmaa@btk.fi) with the subject line ‘postdoc candidate’. For more information about the research http://www.btk.fi/research/research-groups/lahesmaa/ and about the Centre: www.btk.fi, http://proteomics.btk.fi/
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