Research group
Our laboratories are specialized in drug discovery and development of radiotracers for cancer imaging and treatment. We are developing next-generation compounds through highly specific targeted delivery for minimally invasive real-time visualization by PET/CT/MRI and for therapy. We believe that this work will lead to increased life quality and life expectancy in selected cancer patients.
Description of the position
The candidate will work in a multidisciplinary environment with chemists, biochemical engineers, biologists and medical doctors in the Nuclear Medicine Clinic of the University Hospital Bern on synthesis of radiolabeled particles and their surface modification, to develop and validate various cancer targeting strategies.
Desired qualifications
We are looking for a highly motivated experimental chemist, biochemist or material scientist with a PhD degree and an interdisciplinary background, experienced in gold nanoparticle synthesis and their surface modifications, who demonstrates initiative and creativity, and who enjoys working in a multidisciplinary environment. Basic German language skills as well as first-authored, peer-reviewed, published articles in international journals are expected. Experience in the synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles, drug delivery, in-vitro studies and/or handling of radioactivity is very welcome.
Conditions of contract
Form of employment: 100%, two years extendable contract
Start date: Nov. 2012
Salary: According to the salary scale of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)
Interested applicants are encouraged to send a cover letter with a brief description of their research interests, a curriculum vitae, and publications to Dr. Lorenz Meier, lorenz.meier@med.unibe.ch.
If invited for an interview, please be prepared to provide contact information for three potential references.
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