About SZBL
Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, referred to as SZBL hereafter, is a newly established Guangdong Provincial Laboratory. Located in the heart of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, SZBL aspires to be a world-class research institution and intellectual hub dedicated to understanding the fundamental biology underlying health and diseases.
The overarching goal of SZBL is to provide full-spectrum approaches to disease prevention and intervention from basic research to bedside. Key focuses of research include cancer, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases, neurological and psychiatric disorders, and infectious diseases.
As a rapidly growing institution, SZBL has set up 14 institutes and centers (academic units), built state-of-the-art core facilities and attracted more than 90 world-class research groups with multidisciplinary backgrounds and professional expertise to push forward the vision of “Science for Global Health”. For more information about SZBL and its research, please visit https://www.szbl.ac.cn/.
Introduction to the Program
“深圳湾学者”系列包括“深圳湾启航学者“,“深圳湾同舟学者” 和“深圳湾港湾学者”,涵盖了学术生涯的三个阶段。深圳湾启航学者是全职岗位,旨在培养和支持一批学术基础扎实、具有突出创新能力和发展潜力且处于职业生涯早期的青年学者,强化实验室各研究所/中心学术梯队和科研团队的建设,鼓励大胆的原创科研探索。深圳湾同舟学者和深圳湾港湾学者是兼职岗位,旨在支持外单位卓越学者及领域专家在实验室开展访问研究,促进学科交叉融合。
“深圳湾学者”实行聘期制,聘期为3年。深圳湾港湾学者和深圳湾同舟学者聘期届满且考核优秀者,根据实际需要,可续聘一个周期;深圳湾启航学者聘期届满且考核优秀者,可申请实验室特聘研究员(Junior Principal Investigator)岗位,该岗位招聘链接请参阅网页:https://www.szbl.ac.cn/careers/recruitmentnotice/285.html。
Shenzhen Bay Scholars Program is launched in 2021 to strategically build SZBL’s talent pipeline, support innovative research, and promote interdisciplinary cooperation with external institutions. The Shenzhen Bay Scholars Program has three categories covering all stages of academic career: Shenzhen Bay Fellow (Qihang Fellow) is designed for outstanding recent PhDs to encourage original research directions and foster early independence in science. The Shenzhen Bay Scholar (Tongzhou Scholar) is designated to forge collabortaions between mid-career field leaders. The Shenzhen Bay Distinguished Scholar (Gangwan Scholar) is designated for highly accomplished scholars with international recognitions.
Shenzhen Bay Fellow is a full-time position, offering talented and promising early-career-researchers the opportunity to start their own independent research in a nurturing and multidisciplinary environment at SZBL. Shenzhen Bay Scholar and Shenzhen Bay Distinguished Scholar are part-time (adjunct) positions, inviting extraordinary scholars from peer-institutions to conduct visiting research at SZBL.
The employment term is three years in general. Upon evaluation and re-application, the term could be extended once for the positions of Shenzhen Bay Distinguished Scholar and Shenzhen Bay Scholar. After a Shenzhen Bay Fellow’s term is completed, fellows are encourged to apply for the Junior Principal Investigator position based on their work performance, and the relevant recruitment ad for Junior Principal Investigator position could be found at
For Shenzhen Bay Distinguished Scholar and Shenzhen Bay Scholar:
1.Bring expertise to SZBL, provide advice on strategic planning, scientific directions and recruitment, mentor young investigators and build research culture at SZBL;
2.Conduct collaborative research with SZBL PIs, support the mission and strategic plan of SZBL.
3.Participate in key projects or the construction of major platforms at SZBL;
For Shenzhen Bay Fellow:
Conduct original and independent research in line with the mission and strategic plan of SZBL, as well as hosting institutes.
Eligibility Criteria
The Shenzhen Bay Distinguished Scholar should be highly established scientists who are well recognized internationally; a commitment of substantive contribution to SZBL is required. A maximum of three scholars in this category are awarded per year.
Candidates for Shenzhen Bay Scholar are accomplished experts with field recognition and proven achievements, one who had independently led a research team and produced influential work in the aspects of basic research, clinical research and industry. Each PI at SZBL can invite one scholar in this category. The Scholar should expect to devote at least three months per year to the relevant collaborative studies at SZBL.
For the position of Shenzhen Bay Fellow, candidates should generally be within three years after receiving PhD degree or equivalent. We encourage applicants with original and innovative research ideas, as well as a commitment to academic career. A maximum of ten fellows in this category will be appointed per year.
For SZBL research areas, please refer to the detailed information of our institutes and centers on our website https://www.szbl.ac.cn/en/scientificresearch/subordinate_research_institutes/.
Support and Benefits
Shenzhen Bay Distinguished Scholars and Shenzhen Bay Scholars will have access to state-of-the-art core facilities, world-class research environment, essential personnel, and competitive compensation based on work.
Shenzhen Bay Fellows will be given competitive salary, start-up funding and all other benefits enjoyed by full-time employees at SZBL.
Application Guide
深圳湾同舟学者以合作PI提名推荐为主,申请材料包括:Cover Letter、CV、Research Profile and Collaborative Research Plan、Three Reference Letters。推荐信由推荐人直接发送至各研究所/中心联系人邮箱,其中一封推荐信由合作PI提供。
深圳湾启航学者接受提名推荐和个人申请,申请材料包括:Cover Letter、CV、Research Summary and Research Plan、Contact Information of Three References。请将材料直接发送至各研究所/中心联系人邮箱,只有初审合格的申请人会被收集推荐信和邀请参加面试。
The Shenzhen Bay Scholars Program invites nominations and applications year-round. Completed package should be sent to the contact of each institute (see list below).
For the Shenzhen Bay Distinguished Scholar, the application consists of a CV and a reference letter. The reference letter should be written by the nominator or collaborative PI.
The Shenzhen Bay Scholar should be nominated by a collaborative PI of SZBL. The application consists of a Cover Letter, a CV, Research Profile and Collaborative Research Plan, Three Reference Letters, and one of these letters should be provided by the collaborative PI.
For the Shenzhen Bay Fellow, both nominations and direct applications are welcome. The application consists of a Cover Letter, a CV, Research Summary and Research Plan, and the Contact Information of Three References. Promising candidates will be approached for reference letters and invited to participate in an interview.
Contact Information

2023-03-28深圳湾实验室代谢与心血管研究所张喆(Joe Zhang)课题组招聘启事
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