国际平台 国家项目 东部薪酬 西部房价
西安交通大学一直是国家重点建设的大学之一,是首批进入“211”和 “985”建设的学校,2017年入选一流大学A类建设名单。学校是以理工为特色,涵盖理、工、医、经、管、文、法、哲、教、艺等10大学科门类的综合性研究型大学。学校以创建世界一流大学为目标,围绕“理学、工学、医学、人文社科”四大板块,构建学科高地。工学以服务国家创新驱动战略为导向,立足引领国际前沿,率先冲击世界一流;理学以交叉应用为特色,进入国际前沿水平;医学以服务健康中国为目标,形成鲜明特色;人文社会科学聚焦国家和区域重大战略,推进交叉融合,产生重要国际影响力。
1. 理科领域(数学、物理学、统计学、化学);
2. 能源与环境学科领域(动力工程及工程热物理、核科学与技术、环境科学与工程、电气工程、化学工程与技术、土木工程、建筑学);
3. 机械、空天与材料学科领域(机械工程、仪器科学与技术、力学、航空宇航科学与技术、材料科学与工程);
4. 电子与信息学科领域(电子科学与技术、信息与通信工程、控制科学与工程、计算机科学与技术、网络空间安全、软件工程);
5. 医学与生命学科领域(基础医学、临床医学、公共卫生与预防医学、药学、口腔医学、中西医结合、护理学、生物学、生物医学工程);
7. 人文社科学科领域(外国语言文学、法学、哲学、马克思主义理论、新闻传播学、社会学、教育学、体育学、设计学);
8. 以上领域交叉学科。
♦ 薪酬:个人收入=校发基本薪酬+国家省部奖金+其他收入(学院绩效分配+科研及社会服务收入)
♦ ****:基本薪酬45万/年+国家、陕西省一次性奖励100万+其他收入
♦ 青年长江学者:基本薪酬45万/年+教育部奖励10万/年×3年+其他收入
♦ 中组部青年拔尖人才、优秀青年基金获得者:基本薪酬45万/年+其他收入
♦ 其他入选者:
1. 教授:基本薪酬45万/年+其他收入
2. 特聘研究员:基本薪酬30万/年+其他收入
♦ 优秀者可另获12万/年的生活补助;特殊情况可面议。
♦ 工作条件和生活待遇:自然科学类提供200万以上、人文社会科学类50万以上科研配套经费; 一次性安家费35万;入住人才公寓或购买人才住房;子女享受本校附属中小幼优质教育条件。
♦ 招收类别:
1. 特别资助人员:依托国家、省部重点研究基地或承担国家重大需求任务的团队,招收国外(境外)世界排名前100名高校的博士毕业生或其他特别优秀的博士毕业生。
2. 外籍人员:依托我校发起的“丝绸之路大学联盟”,招收优秀外籍博士毕业生。
3. 专职科研人员:依托学校的科研平台,招收在相关学术领域取得明显业绩的博士毕业生。
4. 企业资助人员:依托学校与政府、企业联合建立的合作平台,学校与企业联合招收,开展企业项目研究。
♦ 薪酬:学校提供的基本薪酬+陕西省生活补助+团队或导师生活补贴。
♦ 特别资助人员的收入一般不低于33万元/年
♦ 外籍人员一般不低于21万元/年
♦ 专职科研人员根据学科不同一般不低于16~21万元/年
♦ 企业资助人员的收入标准由企业、团队或导师确定
♦ 工作条件和生活待遇:缴纳社会保险和住房公积金(为外籍和港澳台地区人员购买商业保险),提供公寓住房、子女入学等待遇。
♦ 青年拔尖人才
刘钰新 +86 29 8266 8975, yuxinliu@xjtu.edu.cn
♦ 专职科研人员
贺睿、韩骁 +86 29 8266 8755 xjtupd@xjtu.edu.cn
3月1日—3月5日 | 英国 |
3月29日--4月4日 | 美国、加拿大 |
5月中旬 | 日本 |
6月 | 德国 |
10月 | 新加坡 |
Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU)
Talents Recruitment Fairs
Xian Jiaotong University, as one of the first universities entering Chinas "211 Project" and “985 Project”, is selected to be developed into a global first-class university. Xian Jiaotong University is a comprehensive research university with scientific focus. It is composed of 10 branches of disciplines, namely: science, engineering, medicine, economics, management, literature, law, philosophy, education and art. In recent years, Xi’an Jiaotong University focuses on national strategy, vigorously promoting the establishment of the Western China Science & Technology Innovation Harbour, which is designed to be an innovative unit with a union of “campus, industrial zone and community”, a combination of technologies and services, and a link center of science, technology and industry. Xi’an Jiaotong university takes talents strategy as a key strategy, now, it has more than 400 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Changjiang Scholars, Outstanding Young Investigator Award laureates and other scholars. XJTU establishes Western China Energy Research Institute, Western China Quality Science & Technology Research Institute and 102 provincial and ministerial key research centers. In recent years, the total number of basic research projects and grants places XJTU in the front rank among Chinese universities. Xian Jiaotong University eagerly welcomes scholars from overseas with excellent performance, and would be honored to offer a platform for you to make your dream of success come true here, at the starting point of the Silk Road!
1. Recruitment of disciplines
(1)Fields of Science
Target Disciplines: Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Chemistry
(2)Fields of Energy and Environment
Target Disciplines: Energetics and Engineering Thermophysics, Nuclear Science and Technology, Environmental Science and Engineering, Electric Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Civil Engineering, Architecture
(3)Fields of Machinery, Aeronautics & Astronautics and Materials
Target Disciplines: Mechanical Engineering, Instrument Science and Technology, Mechanics, Aerospace Science and Technology, Materials Science and Engineering
(4)Fields of Electronics and Information
Target Disciplines: Electronic Science and Technology, Information and Communication Engineering, Control Science and Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, Cyberspace Security, Software Engineering
(5)Fields of Medical Science and Bioscience
Target Disciplines: Preclinical medicine, Clinical Medicine, Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Pharmacy, Stomatology, Combination of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Nursing, Biology, Biomedical Engineering
(6)Fields of Administration and Economics
Target Disciplines: Practical Economics, Theoretical Economics, Management Science and Engineering, Business Administration, Public Administration
(7)Fields of Humanities & Social Sciences
Target Disciplines: Foreign Languages and Literatures, Law, Philosophy, Marxist theory, Journalism and Communication, Sociology, Pedagogy, Science of Physical Culture and Sports, Design Science
(8)Interdisciplinary Fields over above Fields
2. Recruitment Requirements
♦ Young Talents Support Plan
1. Applicants should have obtained PhD degree and under the age of 40。
2. Applicants should have outstanding academic achievements in their chosen fields, be prominent among peers and have the potential to become future leaders in relevant areas.
♦ Research Fellows Recruitment
1. Research fellows with special subsidy: PhD graduates from world top-100 universities in foreign countries or a region outside mainland China, or exceptional outstanding PhD graduates for key research bases at national or provincial level, or teams that undertaking significant research tasks of the nation.
2. Foreign research fellows: Outstanding foreign PhD graduates for “Universities Alliance of the New Silk Road (UANSR)” initiated by our university.
3. Full-time research fellows for scientific research: PhD graduates with remarkable performance in related academic fields for the scientific research platform at XJTU.
4. Research fellows with enterprise subsidy: Based on the cooperative platform co-established by the Xi’an Jiaotong University, the government and enterprises, research fellows for enterprises research projects are recruited by the university jointly with enterprises.
We provide an international platform and environment, sufficient start-up research funds, enormous working spaces, access to state-of-the-art facilities, strong administrative support, top student resources, competitive salaries, a one-time relocation allowance, and high-quality educational resources for children.
4.Contact Information
♦ Young Talents Support Plan
Yuxin Liu +86 29 8266 8975 yuxinliu@xjtu.edu.cn
♦ Research Fellows Recruitment
Rui He Xiao Han +86 29 8266 8755 xjtupd@xjtu.edu.cn
2018 Overseas Recruitment Schedule
March 1st — March 5th | Britain |
March 29th — April 4th | United States、Canada |
Mid-May | Japan |
June | Germany |
October | Singapore |