岗位条件 | 引领国际科技前沿,在基础研究领域取得系统性、创造性成就,在国家重大科技任务中取得标志性科技成就;一般为享有很高社会声誉和广泛学术影响力的战略科学家。 |
岗位待遇 | 一事一议。 |
岗位条件 | 在本学科领域开展前瞻性和引领性研究,取得国内外同行高度认可;围绕国家重大需求,对社会发展、科技进步做出重要贡献;一般为在学科建设、科学研究、人才培养等方面做出重要贡献的领军人才。 |
岗位待遇 | 一事一议。 |
岗位条件 |
年龄不超过40周岁;在学术上崭露头角、创新能力强、发展潜力大,在本学科领域获得较高学术成就的优秀青年学术带头人。 若海外科研工作经历满3年,可申报国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)。 |
岗位待遇 |
51-62万(税前)/年+社保待遇等约7万/年; 可享受科研等其他收入; 科研启动费200-600万(含国家); 聘为教授、博导,正高级专业技术职务; 安家费及货币化补贴150-200万(含国家和地方、税前)。 |
申报条件 |
1.遵守中华人民共和国法律法规,具有良好的科学道德,自觉践行新时代科学家精神; 2.申报当年不超过40周岁; 3.具有博士学位; 4.研究方向主要为生物医学工程、生物学及相关交叉学科; 5.在2022年4月15日前,一般应在海外高校、科研机构、企业研发机构获得正式教学或者科研职位,且具有连续36个月以上工作经历;在海外取得博士学位且业绩特别突出的,可适当放宽工作年限要求; 6.取得同行专家认可的科研或技术等成果,且具有成为该领域学术带头人或杰出人才的发展潜力; 7.申请人尚未全职回国(来华)工作,或者符合回国(来华)工作时间要求。获资助通知后须辞去海外工作或在海外无工作,全职回国(来华)工作不少于3年。 |
相关待遇 |
1.税前51-58万/年+社保待遇等约7万/年;同时享受绩效奖励、突出贡献奖励等其他收入。 2.科研启动费200-600万(含国家)。 3.聘为教授、博导,正高级专业技术职务。 4.安家费及货币化补贴150-200万(含国家和地方)。 5.提供良好的科研平台、办公、实验场地;保证博士后、博士研究生、硕士研究生指标;支持组建学术创新团队;提供与行业院所合作平台及交流挂职机会。 6.子女享受西工大中小幼优质教育资源(全国顶尖)。 7.享受高层次人才医疗保健“绿色通道”,三甲医院体检。 |
特别说明:进入“海外优青”终审答辩未入选者,经相应评审程序纳入西北工业大学“翱翔海外学者”进行支持(除年薪外,额外5万/年津贴;科研经费100万;提供安家费及货币化补贴30-40万元等)。申请“海外优青”者可同时申报“翱翔海外学者”。 |
岗位名称 | 准聘教授 | 准聘副教授 |
岗位条件 | 一般不超40周岁 | 一般不超35周岁 |
岗位待遇 | 36万/年+社保待遇等约6万/年 | 26万/年+社保待遇等约5万/年 |
正高级专业技术职务 | 副高级专业技术职务 | |
科研启动费20万 | 科研启动费20万 | |
安家费及货币化补贴30万(税前) | 安家费及货币化补贴20万(税前) | |
可享受科研等其他收入; 研究生导师资格评审与入职评审同步进行; 若海外科研工作经历满3年,入校时可申请学校“翱翔海外学者”计划,入选后另获科研经费和津贴支持。 |
序号 | 研究方向 | 合作导师 | 应聘条件 |
1 | 生物电磁技术 | 商澎 shangpeng@nwpu.edu.cn |
有较强的科研能力、明确的科研方向和较大的发展潜力。学术水平需符合学院要求。 1、特别资助博士后需取得博士学位3年内,年龄一般不超32周岁; 2、常规博士后需取得博士学位3年内,年龄一般不超35周岁。 |
2 |
蛋白质科学与工程 生物物理学 |
尹大川 yindc@nwpu.edu.cn |
3 | 纳米仿生催化 |
覃勇 qinyong@nwpu.edu.cn |
4 | 肌骨系统生物力学 |
骞爱荣 qianair@nwpu.edu.cn |
5 | 益生菌的医疗功能研发与应用 |
师俊玲 sjlshi2004@nwpu.edu.cn |
6 | 细胞分子生物力学 |
杨慧 kittyyh@nwpu.edu.cn |
7 | 细胞信号感知和传递 |
续惠云 celldon@nwpu.edu.cn |
8 | 微生物腐蚀与电化学 |
戚震辉 qi@nwpu.edu.cn |
9 | 新型功能纳米材料生物医学应用 |
张连兵 lbzhang@nwpu.edu.cn |
10 | 生物医药大数据分析 |
施建宇 jianyushi@nwpu.edu.cn |
11 | 仿生催化与材料 |
高捷 jgao@nwpu.edu.cn |
12 | 肠道微生物与机体健康及其营养调控 |
徐春兰 clxu@nwpu.edu.cn |
13 | 乳腺癌的靶向治疗及其生物力学性质研究 |
张辰艳 zhangchenyan@nwpu.edu.cn |
14 | 生物材料与仿生材料 |
赵雯 wenzhao@nwpu.edu.cn |
15 | 生物信息学 |
卢慧甍 luhuimeng@nwpu.edu.cn |
16 | 肌骨系统生物力学 |
杨鹏飞 yangpf@nwpu.edu.cn |
17 | 药物设计与生物信息学分析 |
胡丽芳 hulifang@nwpu.edu.cn |
18 | 系统生物学与精准环境健康 |
李昊 hao.li@nwpu.edu.cn |
岗位名称 | 特别资助博士后 | 特别资助博士后 |
岗位条件 | 27万/年+社保待遇等约5万/年 | 22万/年+社保待遇等约5万/年 |
岗位待遇 |
入选国家博士后相关项目,可享受相应项目资助和科研等其他收入; 在站期间,可申请预聘为学校准聘师资,获聘后纳入相应岗位管理并享受相应待遇; 可申请学校博士后公寓。 |
岗位条件 |
年龄一般不超过45周岁; 符合学院、课题组制定的岗位学术标准。 |
岗位待遇 |
由学院、课题组根据实际情况提供具有竞争力的薪酬和良好的公共实验平台以及科研办公保障条件; 具有畅通的发展渠道,达到学校准聘和长聘师资相应岗位标准的,可按照相关政策和程序申请转入; 符合条件者可申请国家级、省级人才项目以及我校翱翔人才计划。 |
Join the School of Life Sciences at
Northwestern Polytechnical University
2022 Recruitment Announcement
The School of Life Sciences at Northwestern Polytechnical University was established in April 2004. The vision of the school is “to be driven by China’s major needs in the fields of aeronautics, astronautics, and marine science and technologies, with the support from mainstream disciplines in life sciences, to integrate the basic disciplines with technology and engineering disciplines, and to joint basic research and applied research”. The school aims to build a domestic first-class and world-renowned base for scientific research and training of high-level talents with distinctive disciplinary characteristics.
The School of Life Science currently has 94 faculty members including 57 full-time instructors (15 professors, 26 associate professors, and 16 assistant professors). The primary programs offered at the School of Life Sciences are the Ph.D. program in Biomedical Engineering, the M.S. program in Biology, the Project -based M.S. program in program in Biology and Medicine, and the B.S. program in Biotechnology. Based on the above programs, approximately 100 postgraduate and 60 undergraduate students are admitted each year.
The scientific research of the school focus on the directions of special environmental biology (concerning special space environments; extreme environments with low pressure, low oxygen, high altitude with extreme coldness, and extreme heat and humidity; physic environments involving magnetism, electricity, light, heat, and sound), material biology, and medical engineering. These special research directions also incorporate the special features from education and research in aeronautics, astronautics, and marine engineering and technologies, and they are orientated toward the life and health aspects of common people. There are distinctive cross-fusion characteristics of multi-disciplines. The research contents cover multiple sub-disciplinary directions including biochemistry, molecular cell biology, biophysics, microbiology, biomaterials, pharmacy, pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, bioinformatics, biomechanics, magnetic biology, etc.
The school has a large open-sharing platform for large-scale instruments and equipment and owns approximately 60 million CNY worth of instruments and equipment. Meanwhile, the school is building a school-level life science sharing platform (Northwestern Polytechnical University Life, Health and Ecology Public Sharing Platform). The goal is to establish a world-class high-level research platform to provide strong support for cutting-edge academic research in the fields of life science.
Talent Recruitment
The school continuously recruits outstanding talents domestically and internationally. The recruiting disciplines are first-level discipline, Biology and first-level discipline, Biomedical Engineering. The sub-disciplines include but not limited to biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, biophysics, physiology, microbiology, bioinformatics, biomaterials, biomechanics, magneto-biology, electromagnetic biology, bioengineering, biotechnology, etc.
Recruiting Positions:
1.Chair Professor
Qualification | Leading in the international scientific and technological frontiers. Achieved systematic and innovative accomplishments in the field of basic research. Achieved landmark scientific and technological accomplishments in major science and technology projects and missions on the national level. Generally should be a strategic scientist with a great social reputation and extensive academic influences. |
Compensation and benefits | To be negotiated. |
2. Tenured Professor
Qualification | Conducted forward-looking and direction-leading research in the field of a specific discipline, and the research works are highly recognized in the domestic and international academic communities. Made significant contributions to social development and scientific and technological advancements based on major domestic needs. Generally should be a leading talent with significant contributions in the aspects of discipline development, scientific research, talent cultivation, etc. |
Compensation and benefits | To be negotiated. |
3. Outstanding Young Talents
Qualification |
1. Age 40 or younger; 2. An outstanding young academic leader who is newly emerged in the academic community with strong capability in innovation and great potential for further development, and has high-level academic accomplishments in a specific discipline. 3. If the applicant had 3 or more years of scientific research work experience outside China, the applicant can apply for the National Natural Science Foundation of China - Outstanding Youth Science Foundation project (overseas). |
Compensation and benefits |
1. Salary of 510,000-620,000 CNY (pre-tax) per year plus social security benefits, etc. of approximately 70,000 CNY per year. 2. Additional sources of compensation include scientific research and others. 3. The start-up funding for scientific research is 2 to 6 million CNY (including national support from China). 4. Employed as a professor (doctoral supervisor) with a senior-level professional and technical position. 5. Resettlement allowances and monetization subsidies of 1.5 to 2 million CNY (national plus local, pre-tax). |
Iv. Overseas Excellent Young Talent Project
Qualification |
1. Obey the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, have good scientific ethics, and self-practice the scientists’ spirit of the new generation. 2. Age 40 or younger. 3. Hold a doctoral degree. 4. Research mainly in the directions of biomedical engineering, biology, and other related interdisciplinary disciplines. 5. Generally should have worked at least 36 consecutive months in formal teaching or scientific research positions in universities, scientific research institutions, or enterprise R & D institutions outside China before April 15, 2022. Should also have obtained a doctoral degree outside China and had an outstanding performance. (The requirement for the amount of working period can be relaxed as appropriate.) 6. Achieved scientific research or technological accomplishments which are recognized by peer experts. Have the development potential to become academic leaders or outstanding talents in a specific academic field. 7. The applicant should have not yet returned (came) to China to work full-time or have worked in China full-time in the definite time range. After receiving the funding offer, the applicant must resign from the current job or have no active job outside China. The applicant should then return (come) to China and work full-time for a minimum of 3 years. |
Compensation and benefits |
1. Salary of 510,000-580,000 CNY (pre-tax) per year plus social security benefits, etc. of approximately 70,000 CNY per year. Other possible sources of income include performance rewards, outstanding contribution rewards, etc. 2. The start-up funding for scientific research is 2 to 6 million CNY (including national support from China). 3. Employed as a professor (doctoral supervisor) with a senior-level professional and technical position. 4. Resettlement allowances and monetization subsidies of 1.5-2 million CNY (national plus local, pre-tax). 5. Provide a good scientific research platform, and supply sites for office and research experiments. Admission quotas for postdoctoral, doctoral, and master's students are guaranteed. Support establishing academic innovation teams. Provide cooperation platforms and opportunities for exchange and affiliation with other researches institutes in the industry. 6. Staff children can enroll in high-quality education services (top tier in China) of NPU including kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, and high school. 7. The medical care “Green Channel” and physical examination services at Grade A tertiary hospitals are available for high-level talents. |
Special Notes: Applicants, who are not selected in the final defense for the “Overseas Excellent Young Talent” project, will be supported by the “Aoxiang Overseas Scholars” project of Northwestern Polytechnical University after passing evaluation procedures. (The compensation and benefits include annual salary plus 50,000 CNY annual subsidy; scientific research fund of 1 million CNY; resettlement allowances and monetization subsidies of 0.3-0.4 million CNY, etc.). Applicants for "Overseas Excellent Young Talents" can apply for "Aoxiang Overseas Scholars" at the same time. |
See the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Overseas) project guide “https://www.nsfc.gov.cn/publish/portal0/tab434/info83268.htm
Prospective Professors and Associate Professors
Professor | Associate professor |
Age limit | Age of 40 or younger in general | Age of 35 or younger in general |
Compensation and benefits | Salary of 360,000 CNY per year, social security benefit (appx. 60,000 CNY per year) | Salary of 260,000 CNY per year, social security benefit (appx. 50,000 CNY per year) |
Senior professional and technical position | Deputy senior professional and technical position | |
Scientific research start-up fund of 200,000 CNY | Scientific research start-up fund of 200,000 CNY | |
resettlement allowances and monetization subsidy of 300,000 CNY (pre-tax) | resettlement allowances and monetization subsidy of 200,000 CNY (pre-tax) | |
Postdoctoral Fellow
The school continuously recruits postdoctoral researchers in the fields of "Biomedical Engineering", "Aerospace Science and Technology" and "Materials Science and Engineering".
1. Research direction and qualification for recruitment
order number | research area | Cooperative mentor | Qualification |
1 | Space and Special Environmental Life Sciences | SHANG Peng shangpeng@nwpu.edu.cn |
Have strong scientific research capability, clear scientific research direction , and great development potential. The academic level should meet the school requirements. 1. Special funded postdoctoral fellows should have obtained the doctoral degree within the 3 most recent years. The general age limit is 32 or younger. 2. Regular postdoctoral fellows should have obtained the doctoral degree within the 3 most recent years. The general age limit is 35 or younger. |
2 |
Protein Science and Engineering biophysics |
YIN Dachuan yindc@nwpu.edu.cn |
3 | Nanobiomimetic catalysis |
QIN Yong qinyong@nwpu.edu.cn |
4 | Biomechanics of the myoskeletal system |
QIAN Airong qianair@nwpu.edu.cn |
5 | Research and development and application of medical function of probiotics |
SHI Junling sjlshi2004@nwpu.edu.cn |
6 | Cell molecular biomechanics |
YANG Hui kittyyh@nwpu.edu.cn |
7 | Cell signal perception and transmission |
XU huiyun celldon@nwpu.edu.cn |
8 | Microbial corrosion and electrochemistry |
QI Zhenhui qi@nwpu.edu.cn |
9 | Biomedical applications of novel functional nanomaterials |
ZHANG Lianbing lbzhang@nwpu.edu.cn |
10 | Biomedical big data analysis |
SHI Jianyu jianyushi@nwpu.edu.cn |
11 | Bionic catalysis and materials |
GAO Jie jgao@nwpu.edu.cn |
12 | Gut microbe and body health and its nutritional regulation |
XU Chunlan clxu@nwpu.edu.cn |
13 | Targeted therapy of breast cancer and its biomechanical properties |
ZHANG Chenyan zhangchenyan@nwpu.edu.cn |
14 | Biomaterials and bionic materials |
ZHAO Wen wenzhao@nwpu.edu.cn |
15 | Bioinformatics |
LU Hui Meng luhuimeng@nwpu.edu.cn |
16 | Biomechanics of the myoskeletal system |
YANG Pengfei yangpf@nwpu.edu.cn |
17 | Pharmacy Design and bioinformatics analysis | HU Lifang hulifang@nwpu.edu.cn | |
18 | Systems Biology and Precision Environmental Health. | LI Hao, hao.li@nwpu.edu.cn |
2. Compensation and benefits during employment
Position | Special funded postdoctoral fellow | Regular postdoctoral fellow |
Salary of 270,000 CNY per year plus social security benefits of approximately 50,000 CNY per year. | Salary of 220,000 CNY per year plus social security benefits of approximately 50,000 CNY per year | |
7. Full-time scientific researcher
Qualification |
• Age of 45 or younger in general. • Meet the academic standards and requirements of the position which are set by the college and research groups. |
Compensation and benefits |
• The school and the research groups will evaluate based on the actual situation and provide a competitive salary and a good public experimental platform, and ensure other necessary conditions for conducting scientific research work. • If the researchers have open development channels and have met the corresponding school requirements for prospective and tenured professors, they can apply to transfer to these instructor positions per relevant policies and procedures. • Qualified researchers can apply for national and provincial talent projects and the Aoxiang talent program of NPU. |
Forum for Young Talents
There are two online forums for young talents each year (early June, and early October) that are hosted by the School of Life Science at NPU. The forum will focus on discussions of domestic and international leading-edge academic problems and research achievements. World-wide young talents in the field of life science are all welcomed to participate. Young talents who are interested in attending the forums should register in advance (preferably one month before the forum start date) by emailing Ms. Song at songfei@nwpu.edu.cn.
How to apply for the positions?
Please file all application materials as a single PDF file, and send it directly to the email address: songfei@nwpu.edu.cn. The application materials shall include a cover letter and a CV with research achievements. Applications for postdoctoral positions should indicate the interested advisor in the cover letter. All applicants are encouraged to attend the Forum for Young Talents (see above).
Contact: Ms. Song, e-mail: songfei@nwpu.edu.cn
Tel.: 86-29-88460333
Official website: http: //shengming.nwpu.edu.cn/
University Overview
Innovations Transform the Future
Located in the ancient capital city - Xi’an, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), the powerhouse of western China, is entering a new phase of growth by taking opportunities to develop original and cutting-edge innovations.
The history of NPU can be traced back to 1938. The university was designated as one of the National Key Universities of China in 1960. It was among the first batch of universities selected for Project 211 in 1995 and became part of Project 985 in 2001. In 2021, NPU ranks among the top 200 according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities. In recent years, NPU had set various records in China and produced many leading figures in all aspects of society and industries contributing to the world’s science, technology, and social-economic developments.
The degree programs offered at NPU cover various disciplines in fundamental science, engineering, humanities, management, social sciences, and many more. The material science discipline at NPU ranks among the top 0.1% globally, and the chemistry, engineering, and computer science disciplines are also among the top 1% globally according to the latest ESI subject area ranking. With these distinctive strengths, NPU has built a solid foundation for providing world-class research platforms in all disciplines.