The BioNano Laboratory at the University of Guelph at Guelph, Canada is seeking a candidate for a postdoctoral research position at the interface of biosystems and microfluidics.
The successful candidate will help to investigate biofilms using microfluidic systems for biomedical and energy applications. The candidate will be responsible for cell biology related experiments, and help to validate microfluidic platforms using a combination of instrumentation and imaging techniques.
Potential Starting Date of the Fellowship: April 1, 2013. Funded by the Canadian Government, you will be asked to submit your application to the agency in collaboration with Prof. Neethirajan.
The fellow will work collaboratively in a team setting, and as well as individually. We seek candidates with demonstrated skills and experience in microfluidics and/or cell biology. Individuals who are motivated, enthusiastic, organized are welcome to submit their applications.
Information about the bionanolab can be found at http://www.bionanolab.ca. Informal enquiries and the applications should be made by email to Prof. Suresh at s.neethi@uoguelph.ca Your application will include your research experience, interests, a CV and contact information for references.