University of Leicester -School of Psychology
A postdoctoral position is currently available for a collaborative project between Dr Todor Gerdjikov (University of Leicester) and Dr Juan Mena-Segovia (MRC Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit, University of Oxford).
We are looking for a highly motivated individual to join a multidisciplinary team in the study of the neuronal circuits of the brain. The candidate is expected to develop and lead a project aimed at understanding the contribution of ascending neuromodulatory neurons in rodent reward-related behaviour using chronic tetrodes recordings and optogenetics in appetitive tasks.
The ideal candidate will have a PhD in Systems Neuroscience or a related field, and have experience in electrophysiology, signal analysis and rodent behavioural training. Some experience in optogenetics would be beneficial.
Interested candidates please submit a CV, a letter of intention, and the names and email addresses of two referees to Dr Todor Gerdjikov (tvg3@leicester.ac.uk ) and Dr Juan Mena-Segovia (juan.mena-segovia@pharm.ox.ac.uk ).
For informal enquiries and further particulars please contact either of the above.
Interviews of shortlisted candidates will take place in September. Initial salary is £29,973 (grade 6) with a 2-year contract, starting in November 2012, or soon after.
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