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2012-08-28 11:26 来源:未知 作者:admin

University of Edinburgh -School of Chemistry

Applications are invited for two postdoctoral fellows in the group of Dr. Hon Wai Lam at the School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh. The projects are concerned with the use of catalytic methods to convert basic chemical building blocks into value-added products. Work will typically involve the preparation of new (chiral) metal-ligand complexes and their application in reactions that provide rapid increases in molecular and stereochemical complexity.

For further information about the Lam research group, please visit: http://homepages.ed.ac.uk/hlam.

You should have (or will shortly obtain) a PhD in synthetic organic chemistry, and will have an outstanding track record in natural product synthesis, methodology development, or a related area. Experience in transition metal catalysis, asymmetric catalysis, or C-H functionalisation reactions, is desirable.

The posts are available from 1st November 2012 or soon after, and are for a fixed term of 12 months. 

Fixed term: 12 months

Salary Scale: £30,122 to £35,938 pa

Vacancy Reference: 3016174jw

Closing Date: 20 September 2012

For further particulars https://www.jobs.ed.ac.uk/jobs/index.cfm?action=jobdet&jobid=3016174 and an application pack visit our website (www.jobs.ed.ac.uk) or telephone the recruitment line on 0131 650.

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