Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory invites applications from highly motivated candidates for a postdoctoral position working on cutting edge computational biology research related to the genetic basis of rare, Mendelian diseases and severe mental illness, working with Dr. Gholson Lyon and other colleagues within the Stanley Institute for Cognitive Genomics.
Position Requirements:
Applicants must hold a Ph.D. level degree in life sciences, mathematics, physics or computer science and should have basic experience in computational biology and modeling of molecular systems. Ideal candidates from the biological sciences should have experience with scientific programming and the analysis of next generation sequencing data. Ideal candidates from the physical/mathematical sciences should have prior exposure to research in the biological sciences. Candidates should be able and willing to work in teams and within collaborations.
Interested candidates should apply online at: https://cshl.peopleadmin.com/postings/4805
Please include a CV and publication list, a statement of research interest and contact information of three references.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is a world-renowned research and educational institution recognized internationally for its excellence in ground-breaking research programs in cancer, neuroscience, plant biology, genomics, and bioinformatics and broad educational mission.
Website: www.cshl.edu