Research Psychologist for functional assessment development
Karolinska Institutet, Dep of Women´s and Children´s Health
The Department is organized in 10 divisions: Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Pediatric Endocrinology, Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric Oncology, Neonatology, Reproductive Endocrinology,Child Psychiatry, Reproductive and Perinatal Health. The divisions have separate scientific profiles and vary in size and have several research groups, dealing with both basic and clinical science.
KIND is a competence center for research, development and education within the area of developmental psychopathology. The center is established in collaboration between Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm County Council aiming at conducting high end basic research, improving clinical practice, and spread new knowledge to stakeholders. Among other projects of the Center, KIND in cooperation with the ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health) Research Branch by the WHO, is preparing the development of so called Core Sets for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and ADHD. The ICF Research Branch of the WHO, has developed a rigorous scientific process and guidelines to generate ICF Core Sets that enable individualized disorder specific functional impairment and abilities classification and assessment.
Together with KIND’s director and the ICF Research Branch, as the postdoc in the project you will be operationally responsible for the core-set development and evaluation process. The core sets for ASD/ADHD will be defined at a ICF Core Set Consensus Conference, which will integrate evidence from four detailed preparational studies: (a) a systematic review regarding the outcomes used in clinical trials and selected observational studies, (b) focus groups or semi-structured interviews with patients with ASD, and their parents © an expert survey, and (d) an empirical, cross-sectional study. Before these studies are initiated the main partner (KIND) needs to: (i) identify and involve the international society best representing the field for which the ICF Core Sets will be developed as official collaborating partner, (ii) form a Steering Committee (SC) which will supervise the process and ultimately help to disseminate the results of the consensus conference. The SC has to have representatives of the following organizations: the main partner, ICF Research Branch, WHO, the selected international society, and key opinion leaders in the field, for whom the ICF Core Set will be developed (iii) to select the international journal in which the protocol paper will be submitted for publication, (iv) write and submit the protocol paper to the identified journal. The post doc will be intensively involved in all of these preparations and studies.
Entry requirements
The applicant should have a master in Psychology or a comparable qualification as well as experience in psychological assessment and diagnostic instrument development and evaluation. The position requires advanced English language competencies, research and scientific writing skills, as well as administration and coordination abilities. Generally, it is expected that the applicant is able to work independently and productively under stressful conditions.
Application process
The application is to be submitted on the NetRecruiter system.Application should include:
- Complete CV with publication list and references
- Copies of certificates and diplomas