Two postdoctoral positions are currently available in the Laboratory of Biomolecular Engineering and Nanomedicine, led by Dr. Gang Bao, in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University. The laboratory is located on the main campus of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA.
The successful candidate will work on genetic engineering strategies involving zinc finger nucleases and TALE nucleases. Tasks include engineering and cloning novel DNA binding domains, testing nuclease function in vitro and in tissue culture. The postdoc will be asked to conduct a range of assays to determine the activity and specificity of the nucleases. The postdoc will also independently design, perform and troubleshoot further experiments to characterize the ability of the nucleases to edit endogenous genes. Candidates must have excellent technical skills, and an enthusiasm for developing and using new techniques.
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills are required. The postdoc will work within a diverse team of students, bioengineers and scientists and develop collaborations within and outside the lab.
It is expected that the postdoc will:
(1) archive all reagents; document all experiments and results,
(2) present results at lab meetings and national/international scientific conferences,
(3) publish results in major journals in the field, and
(4) prepare and submit grant proposals – including applications for independent grant support.
The applicants must have a Ph.D. in molecular biology, biochemistry, or related field, with experience in molecular biology, cloning and cell culture.
Other Experience (helpful, but not required):
- Bioinformatics analysis and/or coding.
- Cellular models to study the safety and efficiency of gene therapy strategies.
- Delivery of therapeutic genes to target tissues.
- Construction or use of viral vectors.
- Stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), CD34+ cells.
- Knowledge of recombination mechanisms.
- Extensive experience with cell culture.
- Experience in genome engineering.
- High-throughput and automation experience (Biomek 3000).
More information and to apply:
To apply: http://baolab.bme.gatech.edu/ – positions
Research: http://baolab.bme.gatech.edu/#research/genome