The4thSilk Road International SpringSymposium for DistinguishedYoung Scholars
April 11-15, 2018, Xi’an, China
Looking forward to your participation!
1. 学校简介Introduction of XJTU
Xian Jiaotong University (XJTU) is a national key university administered by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China and one of the earliest institutions of higher education in China. It is a comprehensive research university with a high reputation in science and engineering, composing of 10 branches of disciplines, namely: science, engineering, medicine, economy, management, literature, law, philosophy, education and art.As one of the first universities entering “211 Project”and“985 Project”in China, XJTU is selected to be developed into a global first-class university.
Accompanying with its over120years history, XJTU has forged a set of principles to which it has remained true: devotion to learning makes the country stronger; creation grows out of hard work; honor rectitude and respect truth; learn teaching rigorously and the character of loving China and the university and bearing in mind where ones happiness comes from. The university also insists on the school-operating characteristic of having “High starting point, Profound foundation, Strict requirements and Emphasizing practice”.
In recent years, XJTU focuses on national strategy, vigorously promoting the establishment of the Western China Science & Technology Innovation,iHarbour, which is designed to be an innovative unit with a union of “campus, industrial zone and community”, a combination of technologies and services, and a link center of science, technology and industry.
With its four fields of research,science, engineering, medicine and social sciences,iHarbour will establish 23 research institutes including power electronics, high-end equipment manufacturing, energy and power, IT, advanced materials, aerospace aviation, biomedicine, environmental protection, etc. iHarbourwill also become a full-featured, convenient and beautiful town covering scientific research, education, technology transfer and comprehensive supporting, i.e. a town of wisdom.
In the near future, the university will establish in iHarbour a talent highland in western China, gathering a large number of outstanding scholars and young talents to create an international team of talents. In building a novel, international, world-class professional development system, the university will provide the talents a platform to achieve their ambitions and fulfil their dreams.
In this new century, XJTU continues to fulfill its three-pronged mission of education, research, and social service and achieve prominence. By the middle period of 21st century, XJTU aims at becoming a world-class research university honored at home and respected throughout the world, where prestigious professors and talented students gather.
2. 研讨会简介Introduction of SRIS
Silk Road InternationalSymposium (SRIS)is an extraordinary communicating eventfor academic and professional development which is held by XJTU for outstanding young scholars from all over the world. Meanwhile, XJTU would also like to take this opportunity to facilitate the communication and collaboration between the invited scholars and XJTU faculties, present XJTU’s talents recruitment schemes and attract interested distinguished scholars to joinXJTU.
XJTU has already held the SRIS three times since 2015. In total, around 600 distinguished young scholars who came from more than 30 countries and regions havebeen invited to participate this extraordinary event.
SRIScomprises one Keynote Session and several Parallel Sessions. Presentations on the development strategies and current situation of academics, faculty, research and postgraduate education of XJTU will be given in the keynote Session. The parallel sessions consist of a series of activities hosted by related schools, including academic exchanges, lab tour, meetings with deans and members of faculty. Invited scholars can thus have a clear vision on working environment, research, infrastructure, positions, etc. of XJTU.
In order to attract young scholars at home andabroad in wide range, the SRISwill be held twice a yearfrom 2018, one session in springand the otherin autumn respectively.SRIS spring 2018 is now open for distinguished young scholars from following disciplines:
(1) 理科
(1) Fields of Science
Target Disciplines: Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Chemistry
Related Schools of XJTU:School of Mathematics and Statistics, School of Science
(2) 能源与环境
(2) Fields of Energy and Environment
Target Disciplines: Energetics and Engineering Thermophysics, Nuclear Science and Technology, Environmental Science and Engineering,Electric Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Civil Engineering, Architecture
Related Schools of XJTU: School of Energy and Power Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering,School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering
(3) 机械、空天与材料
(3) Fields of Machinery, Aeronautics &Astronauticsand Materials
Target Disciplines: Mechanical Engineering, Instrument Science and Technology, Mechanics, Aerospace Science and Technology, Materials Science and Engineering
Related Schools of XJTU:School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Aerospace, School of Materials Science and Engineering
(4) 电子与信息
(4) Fields of Electronics and Information
Target Disciplines: Electronic Science and Technology, Information and Communication Engineering, Control Science and Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, Cyberspace Security, Software Engineering
Related Schools of XJTU:School of Electronic and Information Engineering(includeSchool of Microelectronics), School of Software Engineering
(5) 医学与生命
(5) Fields of Medical Science and Bioscience
Target Disciplines: Preclinical medicine, Clinical Medicine, Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Pharmacy, Stomatology, Combination of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Nursing, Biology, Biomedical Engineering
Related Schools of XJTU:Health Science Center, School of Life Science and Technology
(6) 经济与管理
(6) Fields of Administration and Economics
Target Disciplines: Practical Economics, Theoretical Economics, Management Science and Engineering, Business Administration, Public Administration
Related Schools of XJTU:School of Management, School of Public Policy and Administration, School of Economics and Finance, Jinhe Center for Economic Research
(7) 人文社科
(7) Fields of Humanities &Social Sciences
Target Disciplines: Foreign Languages and Literatures, Law, Philosophy, Marxist theory,Journalism and Communication,Sociology, Pedagogy, Science of Physical Culture and Sports, Design Science
Related Schools of XJTU:School of Humanities and Social Science(include School of Journalism and New Media),School of Law, School of Marxism Studies, School of Foreign Studies
(8) 以上领域交叉学科
(8) Interdisciplinary Fields overabove Fields
Related Schools of XJTU:Frontier Institute of Science and Technology
3. 申请条件Application Requirements
Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree, be under the age of 40 (including 40) and generally have more than 2 years of working experience.
Applicants should have achieved outstanding academic accomplishments and high reputation in their research field, having earned recognition in the scholarly community.
Applicants should have a broad academic vision and innovative thinking with enormous potential of future leadership in their research field.
Applicants should be dedicated to research, law abiding and ethical.
4. 注册申请Registration
♦ 方式1:申请人登录研讨会官方网站http://sris.xjtu.edu.cn在线注册并上传个人简历。简历应包括个人基本信息(含教育、工作经历)、研究兴趣、学术业绩介绍(含论文清单),以及申请人认为其他必要的内容,以Word或PDF格式上传。中文或英文简历均可。
Option 1: Applicants could log on to SRIS website at http://sris.xjtu.edu.cn/English for onlineregistration and uploading his/her curriculum vitae (CV) in Word or PDF format. The CV should include the following information: personal information (including education and working experiences), research interests, academic achievements (including list of publications), and other information deemed necessary by the applicants. The CV to be uploaded can be either in English or in Chinese.
♦ 方式2:申请人发送注册信息及简历至研讨会秘书处邮箱:sris2018@xjtu.edu.cn,由工作人员代为注册。注册信息包含:姓名、性别、国籍、出生年月、邮箱、现工作国家、现供职单位、现任职务、最高学位、中国大陆地区手机号码(如有)、首选交流学院、研究领域、研究方向等(研究领域请参照上述学科领域)。
Option 2: Applicants could email his/her CV with the registration information to sris2018@xjtu.edu.cn. SRIS Secretariat will help to complete the online registration. The registration information should include: name, gender, nationality, dateofbirth, E-mail address, current working country, current employer, job title, thehighest degree obtained, mobile phone number in China (if applicable), the first choice of school, research field and etc.
♦ 申请截止日期为2018年3月15日。
Application Deadline for SRIS Spring 2018: March 15, 2018
5. 日程安排Schedule
April 11: Registration
April 12: Keynote Session in XJTU,visiting the Innovation iHarbour,Tour of Housing, Kindergarten, Primary school and High School Affiliated to XJTU
April13-14: Parallel Sessions, meeting with school deans/distinguished professors, Lab tour etc.
April 15: End of the Symposium
6. 其他信息Other Information
SRIS charges no registration fees. Domestic and international travel expenses will be reimbursed for all the invited scholars. Accommodation, food and airport/railway station transportation will be provided by the university.
进一步咨询请发邮件至研讨会秘书处邮箱sris2018@xjtu.edu.cn或致电+8629 8266 6336。
For further information about SRIS, please contact the secretariat by sending E-mail tosris2018@xjtu.edu.cnor via phone at +86 29 8266 6336.
For more information about XJTU, please visit website:http://en.xjtu.edu.cn/.

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