一. 论坛介绍
二. 日程安排
三. 招聘人才类型
1. 领军人才(讲席教授/教授)
2. 优秀青年人才(副教授/助理教授)
3. 优秀博士后人才
四. 申请详情
1. 申请材料
1) 个人简历
2) 自荐信
3) 具有代表性的学术论文(近五年内发表)及学术成果
4) 荣誉与奖项
5) 学术研究规划
2. 申请流程
3. 申请截止日期
五. 咨询方式
联系人:医学院 王老师
Email: hr-med@sustech.edu.cn
六. 引进条件及人才待遇
1. 引进条件
2. 支持措施
科研经费 :一事一议
团队支撑 :学校稳定持续每年提供至少1个学校支持博士研究生招生指标和不限额博士后招收名额。引进人才可自行招收研究序列教授,所属研究序列教授可参与竞争学校科研启动经费申请。办公条件:提供人均约150平米的实验与办公空间。
3. 薪酬待遇
4. 生活待遇
1. 引进条件
2. 支持措施
科研经费:政府和学校在5年内可提供最高达1200万元 /600万元科研启动经费。
3. 薪酬待遇
4. 生活待遇
1. 引进条件
2. 薪酬待遇
3. 生活待遇
住房与补贴 :可入住公租房或享受住房补贴。入选深圳市高层次人才,政府提供不低于160万元(免税)的生活补贴。
Global ScientistInterdisciplinary Forum of Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)is an important forum for SUSTech to recruit excellent talents. It is aimed toprovide a platform for domestic and overseas scholars to exchange thoughts andconduct academic communication, promote disciplinary crossing and academicinnovation, and jointly build a world-class university and develop academicdisciplines. SUSTech is striving tobuild itself into a top research university with distinctive strength anduniqueness both in China and the rest of the world through recruiting andtraining world-class talents and vigorous efforts in pursing excellence. The School of Medicine will provide recruitedapplicants with globally competitive remunerations, first-class researchlaboratories and platforms, and excellent living facilities for themselves andtheir families.
Forum Schedule
Date of Main online Forum: January9, 2021
(9 a.m. Beijing Time, Main forum live)
(9 p.m. Beijing Time, Main forum replay)
Date of Sub-forum Presentation:
January 10-17, 2021
Recruiting Categories
• OutstandingFaculty
(Chair Professor /Professor)
• Young Faculty
(Associate / Assistant professor)
• Post-doctoral Talents
Application Materials and Methods
1) Application materials
Cover letter
Representative papers
(published in the previous 5 years),
representative work
Honors and awards
Research proposal
2) How to apply
Please submit all your application materials
to the Mailbox of Human Resources Office of
School of Medicine
and entitled “SUSTech Global Scientist
Interdisciplinary Forum Application
-School of Medicine-Outstanding Faculty
/Young Faculty/Post-doctoralTalents”
(choose one from the three) for evaluation.
We will evaluate your application and send
out invitations as soonas possible. Please
send materials at your earliest convenience
since the registration is limited.
3) Applicationdue date:
December 31, 2020
Successful applicants will receive the
invitation before January 5, 2021.
Contact Information
Ms Wang
Tel: +86-755-88018031
Email: hr-med@sustech.edu.cn
Qualifications and Benefits
Outstanding Faculty
(Chair Professor / Professor)
Candidate of national-level talent programs,
tenured professor or associate professor of
overseas well-knownuniversities or research
institutions, leading talent with internationally
recognized achievements.
2.Support Policies
Research funds:will be discuss case by
Group support: At least 1 PhD student
per year and unlimited numbers of
post-doctoral fellows in support.
Self-determination of hiring
researchassistant professors (RAPs) with
competitive research funding support for
Lab space about 150 square meters per
Salary: Globally competitive salary;
Preferential policy of inpidual income
tax, income tax of qualified high-level
talents will be compensated by local
government to a maximum of 15%
(tax free).
Insurances: Shenzhen’s highest level of
retirement insurance,medical insurance,
unemployment insurance, industrial
injury insurance, maternity insurance and
housing provident funds.
Special high-level health insurance is
Housing and subsidies: Temporary
on-campus apartments provided or
subsidies to support off-campus
rental housing.
No less than CNY4.5 million living
and housing subsidies (tax free) for
scholars of national-level
talent programs. An extra yearly
subsidy of CNY 500,000 will be awarded
to scholars within “Pearl River Talents Plan”
(longest duration 5 years).
Other benefits: Permanent residence or
resident visa service for scholars and family
(spouse and children);Service of children’s
education in SUSTech affiliated preschool,
primary school and middle school; Spouse’s
employment service.
Young Faculty (Associate / Assistant professor)
1. Requirements
Under the age of 40.
Doctoral degree obtained from
internationally renowned universities and
institutes; or Ph.D. degrees from Chinese
universities and more than 36 months
of overseas work experience, with a formal
teaching or research position in famous
overseas universities and research institutes.
2. Support Policies
Research funds: Up to CNY 12 million /
6 million in research start-up funding is
provided by local government and the
university within 5 years.
Group support: At least 1 PhD student per
year and unlimited numbers of post-doctoral
fellows in support.
Self-determination of hiring research
assistant professors (RAPs) with
competitive research fund support for
Lab space of approx. 150 square meters per person.
3. Remuneration
Salary: Globally competitive salary;
Preferential policy of inpidual
income tax, income tax of qualified
high-level talents will becompensated
by local government to a maximum of
15% (tax free).
Insurances: Shenzhen’s highest level
of retirement insurance, medical insurance,
unemployment insurance, industrial injury
insurance, maternity insurance
and housing provident funds. Special high-
level health insurance is negotiable.
4. Benefits
Housing and subsidies: Temporary on-
campus apartments provided or subsidies
to support off-campus rental housing.
No less than CNY2.75 million living and
housing subsidies(tax free) for scholars of
national-level talent programs.
An extra yearly subsidy of CNY 500,000
will be awarded to scholars within
“Pearl River Talents Plan”
(longest duration5 years).
Other benefits: Permanent residence or
resident visa service for scholars and
family (spouse and children);
Service of children’s education in
SUSTech affiliated preschool, primary
school andmiddle school; Spouse’s
employment service.
Post-doctoral Talents
Under the age of 35
No more than 3 years of obtaining doctoral
degree with demonstrable academic and
scientific research excellence.
Salary: Pre-tax annual salary not less than
CNY 335,000(including provincial and
municipal subsidies); For President
Outstanding Post-doctors, pre-tax annual
salary not less than 507,000 CNY
(including provincial and municipal
Insurances: Shenzhen’s highest level of
retirement insurance.
Housing and subsidies: Temporary on-
campus apartments provided or subsidies
to support off-campus rental housing.
No less than CNY 1.6 million living and
housing subsidies (tax free) for scholars who
meet the requirements of high-level talents
in Shenzhen.
Other benefits: Permanent residence or
resident visa service for scholars and family
(spouse and children); Service of children’s
education in SUSTech affiliated preschool,
primary school and middle school.
南方科技大学(简称南科大)是深圳在中国高等教育改革发展的时代背景下,创建的一所高起点、高定位的公办创新型大学,它肩负着为我国高等教育改革发挥先导和示范作用的使命,并致力于服务创新型国家建设和深圳创新型城市建设。南科大被确定为国家高等教育综合改革试验校。2012年4月,教育部同意建校,并赋予学校探索具有中国特色的现代大学制度、探索创新人才培养模式的重大使命。南科大根据世界一流理工科大学的学科设置和办学模式,以理、工、医为主,兼具商科和特色人文社科,在本科、硕士、博士层次办学,在一系列新的学科方向上开展研究,使学校成为引领社会发展的思想库和新知识、新技术的源泉。南科大将发扬“敢闯敢试、求真务实、改革创新、追求卓越”的创校精神,突出“创知、创新、创业”(Research,Innovation and Entrepreneurship)的办学特色,努力服务创新型国家建设及深圳国际化现代化创新型城市建设,快速建设成为聚集一流师资、培养拔尖创新人才、创造国际一流学术成果并推动科技应用的国际化高水平研究型大学,为尽早实现创建世界一流研究型大学的宏伟目标打下坚实基础。
南科大设置数学系、物理系、化学系、生物系、地球与空间科学系、统计与数据科学系、电子与电气工程系、材料科学与工程系、海洋科学与工程系、计算机科学与工程系、环境科学与工程学院、力学与航空航天工程系、机械与能源工程系、生物医学工程系、金融系等25个院系中心。目前已签约引进教师约1044人,其中教研序列教授(tenure/ tenure-track)约500位,院士44位,高层次人才比例占40%以上;学生总数7639人,其中在籍本科生4422人,研究生在读人数3217人 (含博士生1583人,硕士生1634人)。
南方科技大学(简称南科大)是深圳在中国高等教育改革发展的时代背景下,创建的一所高起点、高定位的公办创新型大学,它肩负着为我国高等教育改革发挥先导和示范作用的使命,并致力于服务创新型国家建设和深圳创新型城市建设。南科大被确定为国家高等教育综合改革试验校。2012年4月,教育部同意建校,并赋予学校探索具有中国特色的现代大学制度、探索创新人才培养模式的重大使命。南科大根据世界一流理工科大学的学科设置和办学模式,以理、工、医为主,兼具商科和特色人文社科,在本科、硕士、博士层次办学,在一系列新的学科方向上开展研究,使学校成为引领社会发展的思想库和新知识、新技术的源泉。南科大将发扬“敢闯敢试、求真务实、改革创新、追求卓越”的创校精神,突出“创知、创新、创业”(Research,Innovation and Entrepreneurship)的办学特色,努力服务创新型国家建设及深圳国际化现代化创新型城市建设,快速建设成为聚集一流师资、培养拔尖创新人才、创造国际一流学术成果并推动科技应用的国际化高水平研究型大学,为尽早实现创建世界一流研究型大学的宏伟目标打下坚实基础。
南科大设置数学系、物理系、化学系、生物系、地球与空间科学系、统计与数据科学系、电子与电气工程系、材料科学与工程系、海洋科学与工程系、计算机科学与工程系、环境科学与工程学院、力学与航空航天工程系、机械与能源工程系、生物医学工程系、金融系等25个院系中心。目前已签约引进教师约1044人,其中教研序列教授(tenure/ tenure-track)约500位,院士44位,高层次人才比例占40%以上;学生总数7639人,其中在籍本科生4422人,研究生在读人数3217人 (含博士生1583人,硕士生1634人)。
医学院已经拥有一支国际化高水平的管理队伍。首任院长邢明照教授是美国约翰·霍普金斯大学医学院终身医学教授,是国际著名的医生科学家和美国注册的临床内分泌科医生和甲状腺临床专家,华人医学家和科学家的杰出代表, 入选美国临床医师精英协会(AAP))。医学院在邢院长的带领下迅速搭建起学院的领导组织架构。肖国芝教授是原美国芝加哥Rush大学的终身教授,担任科研和研究生副院长;张文勇教授是美国训练的M.D., Ph.D, 美国注册的病理学家,担任教学副院长。医学院成立了七个功能办公室,已全面进入高效地运作状态,包括医学院办公室、人事办公室、教务办公室、科研办公室、学生工作办公室、研究生工作办公室和财务办公室等基本职能单位。医学院教职工总计148人(含访问类)。
· 医学神经科学系
· 药理学系
· 生物化学系
· 人类细胞生物及遗传学系
· 生理及病理生理学
· 解剖及组织胚胎学系
· 病理学系
· 肿瘤学系
· 广东省细胞微环境及疾病研究重点实验室
· 南科大疼痛医学中心
受益于广东省、深圳市及南科大的优质资源,医学院在较短的发展史中科研方面成绩卓越。截止2020年10月,医学院共发表学术论文140 篇;立项纵向科研项目共46项,合计4063.74 万元,举办重要学术讲座 98 场。
The School of Medicine ofSUSTech was founded in 2018. Based inShenzhen, it is positioned as an internationalized high-level research schoolof medicine featuring the integration of medicine with sciences, engineering,and humanities. Its mission is to trainand foster leading medical talents who will possess ethical integrity,professional competence and international vision.
Taking the advantage of strongscience and engineering disciplines of SUSTech, the School of Medicine will establisha system of “new medicine” to achieve interdisciplinary development betweenmedicine and engineering, the humanities and sciences, with “clinical medicine”as the core focus. Through such integration of medicine with engineering,sciences and the humanities and by drawing on the experience of medicaleducation models both in China and abroad, the School of Medicine is strivingto build itself into a base for cultivating world-class medical talents withmultidisciplinary capabilities to meet the strategic demands for healthdevelopment at the municipal, provincialand national levels.
The School of Medicine has an internationallycompetitive leadership team. Mingzhao Xing,M.D., Ph. D., the founding Dean of the School of Medicine of SUSTech, is atenured Professor of Medicine (LOA) of the Johns Hopkins University School ofMedicine and an elected member of the Association of American Physicians, whojoined SUSTech full time for his leadership role at the School of Medicine. He is an internationally renowned physician-scientistand American Board-certified clinical expert in endocrinology and thyroid medicine. Under the leadership of Dean Xing, the Schoolof Medicine has in short time built a strong leadership team and a unique andefficient administrative organizational structure. Professor Xiao Guozhi, a former tenuredprofessor at Rush University in Chicago, serves as the Associate Dean in chargeof scientific research and graduate studies and Professor Zhang Wenyong, aUSA-trained M.D., Ph.D and American Board-certified pathologist, serves as the AssociateDean in charge of undergraduate education. Seven basic administrative units have beenestablished in the Medical School, now in their full functional operation, includingthe Dean’s office, the office of human resource, the office of teachingaffairs, the office of scientific research, the office of students affairs, theoffice of graduate student affairs, and the office of financial affairs. The School of Medicine has a total of 148 employees(including visiting scholars).
The2019 Global Scientist Interdisciplinary Forum of SUSTech attracted more than 80outstanding talents from both China and abroad. More are expected to come this year. In thelast 1-2 years the School of Medicine has built a strong faculty, currentlywith 31 core tenured or tenure-track members (including some to arrive). Theseinclude one academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and five chairprofessors. There are additional 12 faculty members on the research track atthe Research Assistant/Associate Professor levels. Among these faculty members there are 40person-times of outstanding academic talent honor titles at the national,provincial and municipal levels. Thereare currently 11 postdoctoral fellows, with an expected rapid growth in thenear future. All members in theinpidual faculty member’s research team in the School of Medicine has amaster or higher education degree.
The School of Medicine has established eightdepartments, including Department of Medical Neurosciences, Department ofPharmacology, Department of Biochemistry, Department of Human Cell Biology andGenetics, Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology, Department of Anatomy,Histology and Embryology, Department of Pathology, and Department of Oncology. Additionally, the Department of Microbiologyand Immunology is currently in development. It also has two specially designated scientific research platforms – theGuangdong Provincial Key Laboratory for Cell Microenvironment and DiseaseResearch and the SUSTech Pain Medicine Center.
The School of Medicine currently has two core undergraduateeducation programs--clinical medicine and biomedicine, with several more to bedeveloped in the next few years. The SUSTech also has a strategic plan to collaboratewith Kings College London (UK) in building a joined international medicaleducation program or joined medical school. The School presently enrolls graduate students for master and doctoraldegrees in biology and is currently in the process of applying foraccreditation for offering master and doctoral degrees in clinical medicine.
Benefited from the excellent resources in GuangdongProvince and Shenzhen Municipality as well as SUSTech, the School of Medicinehas, in its relatively short history, achieved remarkable scientificaccomplishments. By October 2020, it haspublished 140 scientific papers and has been awarded 46 government-sponsoredresearch grants of a total monetary value of 40.6374 million Yuan. The School has organized 98 major academic seminars.
TheSchool of Medicine has ten hospitals with direct affiliation or with a collaborationrelationship. These include threedirectly affiliated hospitals – the First Affiliated Hospital of SUSTech(Shenzhen People’s Hospital), the Second Affiliated Hospital of SUSTech (TheThird People’s Hospital of Shenzhen), and the Third Affiliated Hospital ofSUSTech (formerly Xili Hospital). Themain tertiary hospital of the School of Medicine its own in adjacency with thecampus of the School of Medicine is currently under designing and itsconstruction will start soon. There is one jointly-funded collaborativehospital (SUSTech Yantian Hospital) and five teaching hospitals (the Shenzhen CancerHospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, the Shenzhen Kangning PsychiatryHospital, the Shenzhen Children’s Hospital, the Shenzhen Hospital of PekingUniversity, and the Shenzhen Maternity & Child Healthcare Hospital).
The core moral value of the School of Medicine includescivility, team spirit, cooperation, harmony, respect, inclusiveness and mutualhelp to form a unique cultural atmosphere. The School promotes perse culturalpursuits and supports and organizes a variety of cultural activities amongstudents and employees. This positive cultural atmosphere is seen in thestudent dormitories, class rooms, laboratories, conference rooms, offices andeverywhere in the School of Medicine. The School of Medicine is dedicated tocreating a learning and working atmosphere commensurate with the core humanityvalue of medical science.
TheSchool of Medicine at SUSTech will strive towards the goal of building itselfinto a world-class school of medicine, fostering generations of motivated, responsibleand capable physician scientists who are both outstanding research scientistsand skilled clinicians. This is to generateand provide outstanding leaders in clinical medicine and biomedicine to the Guangdong–HongKong–Macao Greater Bay Area, the country of China, and the world.
welcome all eligible scholars
at home and abroad
to apply and attend!
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