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About Chang’an University

Under the direct administration of China Ministry of Education, Chang'an University is one of the national "211 Project" key development universities. It was merged by the former Xi'an Highway Transportation University, Xi'an Engineering Institute and Northwest Institute of Construction Engineering on April 18th, 2000. Chang'an University is located in the historical and cultural city of Xi'an, and it covers over an area of 500 acres.

Chang'an University has 20 schools (departments).There are five state-level key disciplines, 26 provincial-level key disciplines, seven post-doctoral research stations, and 50 doctoral, 116 master and 79 undergraduate specialties. It is also the basement of state university student culture training and the Chinese People's Armed Police reserve officer selection and training. Presently, there are more than 30,900 full-time students, including more than 8,000 doctoral students, postgraduate students and foreign students. So far, Chang'an University has over 160,000 graduates serving in different fields.

Chang'an University has four key laboratories of Ministry of Education, 12 Key Laboratories of the Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Land Recourse, Ministry Housing and Urban-Rural Construction and the Key Laboratory of Shaanxi Provincial. Besides, it also has the only 1 auto comprehensive testing yard within universities.

Chang'an University now has 1850 full-time faculty members, including two members of Chinese Academy of Engineering, one “1000 Talents Plan” national professor, three "Changjiang Scholar" visiting professors,325 professors and 668 associate professors, of which there are more than 130 doctoral supervisors, 500 master degree supervisors. Seven experts have been awarded with outstanding contributions at the national, provincial level and one is rewarded the National Morality Award.

In recent years, Chang'an University has undertaken more than 5,000 research projects, including national "973", "863" and the National Natural Science Foundation research projects and other key research projects. Up to now, Chang'an has won nearly 300 rewards, including the first prize of national scientific and technological progress, and more than 50 other prizes at provincial and ministerial level. Its annual research fund is more than 580 million RMB.

Chang'an University began to enroll foreign students in 1956. It has trained more than 2,000 students from Japan, Australia and other 40 countries. It has set up exchange and cooperation programs with 110 colleges, universities and research institutions from the United States, Russia and other countries and regions; and established the International University Body with Russia Rostov State Building University. Moreover, it has built up Chang'an foreign language training center with the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs and has hosted a number of international academic conferences.

Chang'an University's long-term development objectives are to build up distinctive characteristics and strengthen high-level university before 2020. To its 100th anniversary, Chang'an University should be an internationally well-known research university with standout programs and specialties.